I am J, a 24 year old Play Dead fan from Cambridge, currently residing in York. I came across this fine forum in 2009, and while I'll admit I have left it a little late in joining, I made it in the end! I have been a PD fan since 2004, when I heard 'The First Flower' at my uncle's house (I would regularly go over there and leaf through his enviable collection of vinyl, pulling the orange and black sleeve out on a Saturday afternoon). My girlfriend is also a fan, although she didn't know it until recently: She has a CD compilation called 'Undead Vol 3' which features two PD songs - 'The Tenant', and 'Shine' - which she bought ten years ago when she was 15, and since meeting me has [re]discovered she really enjoys their music. I digress...
I am too young to have seen them live, since they disbanded a full five years before I was born, but am in possession of all their singles and albums, as well as a small collection of live material. A t-shirt would be a welcome addition to that lot!
Favourite Play Dead song: 'Time'
Worst Play Dead song: 'Holy Holy [Remix]'
Favourite Play Dead album: 'The First Flower'
Best Play Dead album: 'Company of Justice'
Favourite Play Dead moment: Dancing to 'Propaganda' at our local post-punk night with my Mrs; converting my 'Into the Fire' video to DVD.